Easy game in Brno for adults

Casemate Stories

A unique game with augmented reality in the mysterious environment of the casemates in Špilberk.

An unusual adventure tour of the most popular part of Špilberk Castle? A mysterious puzzlehunt game? A living history? Smart fun with friends? The casemate game offers a bit of everything.

You will walk through 7 checkpoints. Each of these will show you a story that happened or could have happened in casemates. Videos and extended reality will mediate close encounters with history. Ciphers and logical tasks are awaiting for you to involve your brain and creativity. In the end, you will find a surprise that can be found only in Špilberk casemates.

The ancient human destinies that arise before you have something to tell us even today. Crime, punishment, freedom and suffering are still topical issues.

The game was created in collaboration with Brno Museum and Centre for Modern Education in 2017.

2 hours

of adventure and smart fun

3 encounters

with extended reality

5 various

human fates

7 original


To learn more, look at game details.

This game is also available in Czech as Příběhy z kasemat.

Game details

So that you know what to expect

Team size

The game was designed for 2-5-member teams.

Game difficulty

Light game


The average game took 1.5 hours.



The game is closed.


Špilberk Castle
Špilberk 210/1, Brno


The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.

Scoreboard of this game could not been loaded, either the game does not exists or it is not available

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