Intermediate game in Brno for adults

Art is here

Art is a story. Cipher, code and mystery. Come see it for yourself!

Art is a story itself. Secrets that can be discovered over and over again. Art is cipher, code, speech. And it is up to us where it takes us. Art is a journey that has no beginning or end. Jump straight to the beginning of the 20th century. But keep your eyes open – we start with shapes, light and shadow.

1 exhibition

to visit

ꝏ works of art

which look like puzzles

6 puzzles

which look like the art

2 bonuses

which will puzzle you

To learn more, look at game details.

This game is also available in Czech as Art Is Here.


How to play?

Most of the information you need to play the game can be found on the game page, including where and how to get started and the registration form for your team.

The game is operated by the Moravian Gallery – in Pražák palace.

You can get the necessary game brochure at the box office of Pražák palace.

Game details

So that you know what to expect

Team size

The game is designed for 2-5-member teams. It was created primarily for adult players, but children (10 +) are also able to participate in partial tasks.

Game difficulty

Moderate game (You do not need to have previous experience with cipher or escape games, but some tasks may take you a few moments to solve)


The entire game takes place inside of Pražákův palác. The average playing time is 1.5 hour.


Game brochure (can be obtained at game start in Moravská galerie), fully charged smart phone with internet access, pencil and paper.


Anytime Pražákův palác is open.
We recommend to start at least an hour before the closing time.


Moravská Galerie in Brno
Pražákův palác, Husova 18, Brno


The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.

Rank Team name Total score Total time
1. G&A&L 60 b. 01:09:19
2. ats 60 b. 01:13:53
3. Eli&Ani 55 b. 01:38:54
4. Roosters 55 b. 02:08:19
5. sulibrk 50 b. 00:48:12
6. dan,ondis 50 b. 01:13:55
7. The capitalism destroyers 50 b. 357:28:05
8. Kubiš 46 b. 00:27:16
9. Artist 40 b. 01:17:55
10. Ddd 23 b. 05:29:02
11. Testik — b. 00:20:24

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Trail partner
Moravská Galerie
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