Evolution. Darwin. On the Origin of Species... What has Brno ZOO to do with this?
Charles Darwin had no idea that genes or DNA existed. It was Johann Gregor Mendel, the most famous person of Brno, who discovered the basic laws of genetics. It is therefore no wonder that the Brno Zoo was inspired by his legacy and gradually presents the most interesting moments of evolution in its area. It was genetics that revealed other laws that apply in nature. Who is the ancestor of sea lion? Why does a zebra have stripes? And a giraffe’s long neck?
Embark on an encrypted trail through the Brno Zoo and enjoy the amazing sophistication of nature.
To learn more, look at game details.
This game is also available in Czech as Dotkni se evoluce.
So that you know what to expect
The game is designed for 2-5-member teams. It was created primarily for adult players, but children (10 +) are also able to participate in partial tasks. The game is also suited for teams with stroller.
Moderate game (You do not need to have previous experience with cipher or escape games, but some tasks may take you a few moments to solve)
You will walk cca 1.4km. It should take you around two hours.
The game is closed.
Information table at the entrance to exhibit of tigers
Zoo Brno, U Zoologické zahrady 46, Brno.
The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.
Rank | Team name | Total score | Total time |
1. | TriJelita (Lukas Bednar) | 95 b. | 03:08:50 |
2. | Ryu&bois (Wizard, Ryuka, Alex) | 60 b. | 02:40:52 |
3. | Test | — b. | 00:14:36 |
Pohodlně se usaďte a před večerním koukáním na pohádku se pusťte do šifer z Šifrovacího adventního kalendáře 2024. Pečlivě jsme vybrali 24 pohádek, vytáhli z nich to nejlepší, našli k nim nějaké perličky a to vše zabalili do šifrovacího hávu. Užijte si chytrý advent s Cryptomania!
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Šifrovací adventní kalendář je soubor dvaceti čtyř šifer především pro vaše děti, ale i pro vás, vaše kamarády, kolegy nebo třeba strýčka, sestřenici, dědu i prababičku. Letošní kalendář je již čtvrtý v pořadí.