The Metropolitan Police Service is the modern name of the famous Scotland Yard. It has its own power, tradition, and reputation. They solve murders, serious crimes, but the phones also ring with inquiries about lost cats or UFOs seen over Big Ben. What happens when a mysterious package turns up on the reception desk? Let’s find out.
Right next to the nameplate that says “Metropolitan Police Inspector” lies an apple. A beautiful, red, almost perfectly appley apple. This apple is from the mysterious package he received a couple of hours ago. Next to the apple there’s today’s newspaper, which was also part of this peculiar package. Below one of the articles is written the word: “Crime”, in red marker.
The Apple of Discord is an exciting detective game, suitable even for less experienced players. You can enjoy it with a group of friends at home or at your favourite cafe. And prepare well, because this time it will be very thrilling…
Puzzlehunt? Yes, but you don’t have to go anywhere.
Escape game? Sure, but you’ll be locked only in the maze of your own head.
Smart fun? Definitely, for you and your friends.
To learn more, look at game details.
This game is also available in Czech as Případ jablka sváru.
We wil sent you a game ticket together with printing instructions of all necessary game materials. You can play right away.
Professionally printed and prepared game materials in a gift box which will be sent to your address.
So that you know what to expect
The game is designed for 2–5-member teams. It is made primarily for adult players, but children (10+) are also able to participate.
Very easy game. Probably our easiest (perfect as the first puzzlehunt game ever). Despite that we believe that even if you already have some experience, you will enjoy the original puzzles and a catchy story.
1–2 hours, according to your abilities.
Internet access, game materials (if you don't have them, you can download it from the game system), scissors, and stationery.
Anytime you want.
Anywhere you want.
The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.
Rank | Team name | Total score | Total time |
1. | Fine sparrows - Gruppe 2 | 80 b. | 00:58:34 |
2. | Bright skunks | 80 b. | 00:59:26 |
3. | Fantastic hamsters | 80 b. | 01:09:57 |
4. | Colorful dolphins | 80 b. | 01:12:47 |
5. | Proud whales | 80 b. | 01:22:51 |
6. | Sleepy giraffes | 80 b. | 01:26:45 |
7. | Attractive cods | 80 b. | 01:28:57 |
8. | Wandering frogs | 80 b. | 02:02:50 |
9. | Confused ravens | 80 b. | 02:10:35 |
10. | | 78 b. | 01:06:37 |
11. | Team Nordahl | 78 b. | 01:14:28 |
12. | Vodka Ahoi! | 78 b. | 01:32:37 |
13. | Clear flamingos | 78 b. | 01:52:00 |
14. | Colorful vultures | 78 b. | 02:33:14 |
15. | Lazy lions | 74 b. | 01:34:29 |
16. | Mnemonic-organizers | 72 b. | 01:04:21 |
17. | Scary hyenas | 68 b. | 01:49:49 |
18. | Lonely pythons | 54 b. | 01:49:06 |
19. | De Haasjes | 54 b. | 01:52:56 |
20. | Fair gooses | 40 b. | 24:52:57 |
Pohodlně se usaďte a před večerním koukáním na pohádku se pusťte do šifer z Šifrovacího adventního kalendáře 2024. Pečlivě jsme vybrali 24 pohádek, vytáhli z nich to nejlepší, našli k nim nějaké perličky a to vše zabalili do šifrovacího hávu. Užijte si chytrý advent s Cryptomania!
Jak to máte u vás ve firmě? Jsou Vánoce plné hodnocení, uzavírání roku, starostí, zda se všechno stihne? Nebo už jen sklízíte plody letní práce? Ať tak či tak, co si k tomuto období přidat i něco určitě příjemného? Něco, co přinese trošku vánoční nálady do každého dne. Maličkost, která oživí adventní období.
Šifrovací adventní kalendář je soubor dvaceti čtyř šifer především pro vaše děti, ale i pro vás, vaše kamarády, kolegy nebo třeba strýčka, sestřenici, dědu i prababičku. Letošní kalendář je již čtvrtý v pořadí.
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