Beginners game at home for adults

Unexpected Letter

Letter. A brown envelope as a beggining of an unexpected adventure on an ordinary day. You even don't know how you stepped in but it is you who is supposed to deliver this letter to a girl named Sarah  from her brother Thomas. And it is up to you if you dare to go with her through the end of this puzzled story...

You are standing at the beginning of a short puzzlehunt adventure. This game is available completely free of charge for anyone who dares to open the imaginary envelope and who wants to play. You will see how Cryptomania trails work including theirs online gaming system. At the same time you will learn the basics of solving puzzles and ciphers.

The Letter is a great gateway to the fantastic world of puzzlehunt games. We tried to include the typical examples of encryption principles. The next puzzlehunts will be much easier for you after going through this one.

The whole game is online, it can be played anytime and anywhere. You can solve it by yourself but it is much more fun to do it with some friends, colleagues or family.

Get your free ticket

free of charge

you can just try it!

5 puzzles

and one story


with internet access


when you wanna play

To learn more, look at game details.

This game is also available in Czech as Dopis bez adresy.

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We wil sent you a game ticket together with printing instructions of all necessary game materials. You can play right away.

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Game details

So that you know what to expect

Team size

This game is created for those who want to try how puzzlehunts work, but they do not want to buy a pig in a poke. And of course for all those who just love puzzlehunts.

Game difficulty

Very easy game (there is no need to have any experience with puzzles or escape games). There are tips for every puzzle on what to look for. This game is ideal as the first puzzlehunt adventure.


We believe that you can manage the game in less than an hour.


Internet connection, pen and paper. You may use a printer during the game, but it is not necessary.


Anytime you want.


Anywhere you want.


The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.

Rank Team name Total score Total time
1. Good toads 60 b. 00:00:46
2. Cheerful rhinoceroses 60 b. 00:00:46
3. Wicked dachshunds 60 b. 00:12:06
4. FCB (Petr Pelc) 60 b. 00:14:10
5. Mysterious swifts 60 b. 00:22:26
6. Clever owls 60 b. 00:23:36
7. Nervous elks 60 b. 00:26:21
8. Mysterious camels 60 b. 00:26:45
9. Successful lions 60 b. 00:27:02
10. Adorable dolphins 60 b. 00:30:14
11. Elegant eels 60 b. 00:30:23
12. Misty jellyfishes 60 b. 00:31:55
13. Kind wasps 60 b. 00:32:21
14. Real mules 60 b. 00:32:27
15. Obedient wolves 60 b. 00:33:00
16. Puzzled cockroaches 60 b. 00:33:09
17. Mysterious plaices 60 b. 00:33:39
18. Creepy sheeps 60 b. 00:33:58
19. Songpan (Eva Burger) 60 b. 00:36:23
20. Tough hedgehogs 60 b. 00:36:26
… and 49 more teams finished the game.

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