"Tomorrow we hit the city for the last time. Before the bells at Petrov ring noon, Brno must be ours. If not, we will retreat." - thus spoke the Swedish General Torstenson in the spring of 1645, when he had unsuccessfully besieged Brno for 4 long months. And that was after he thought he would sew up a victory within a week. Indeed, in the fortress of Špilberk in Brno there were 400 soldiers and he arrived with 18 thousand! The conquest of Brno meant very much to him - it was the only thing in the path to besieging Vienna.
Are you tempted to discover hidden secrets and get to the bottom of mysteries beyond which the common mortal’s mind remains stuck? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Try playing our outdoor puzzlehunt game Battle of Brno and find out how the Siege of Brno in 1645 turned out.
How did this great battle take place? Who stood up to this Nordic leader? What was he about, where did he live and what trap did he think up for the Swedes? And why, then, does the bell on Petrov still ring noon at 11 am? History wrapped in ciphers, logic tasks and secret places are awaiting you on the game Battle of Brno. Can you overcome all its pitfalls and reach the finish line?
To learn more, look at game details.
This game is also available in Czech as Bitva o Brno.
So that you know what to expect
The game is designed for 2-5-member teams. It was created primarily for adult players, but children (10+) are also able to participate in partial tasks. The game is also suited for teams with stroller, but it requires light help from teammates - you will meet a few steps along the way.
Light game (the game is a good start in a world of cipher games, for the more experienced players serves as a nice warmup or a walk)
We believe that you can manage the game at a comfortable pace within three hours (approximately 3.5 km).
Game Brochure (if you don't have it yet, you can get it at the start of the game in the hall of Moravian Gallery), a fully charged smartphone with internet access and a barcode scanner, pencil and paper. You can use a flashlight or a black fix, but it is not necessary.
The game is open daily from 10:00
Please, contact us during holidays or other important days.
We recommend to start in the summer before 4:30 pm, in the winter a little earlier.
CAUTION! The game will be changed after August 31, 2022. All purchased tickets must be used before this date.
Moravian Gallery
Governor's Palace, Moravské náměstí 1a, Brno
The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.
Rank | Team name | Total score | Total time |
1. | Lopaty (Barča, Martin, The other Martin, Zajda) | 130 b. | 02:37:28 |
2. | foryouandyourteam (andreas, peter, astrid, ben, Christoph) | 130 b. | 02:44:56 |
3. | SAP Team 1 (Mgr. Monika Kostolná, Michal Pandoscak, Ales Linhart, Jaroslava Oborilova, Dietmar Engelmann ) | 130 b. | 03:14:15 |
4. | Bambule Vole (Ben, Zdenek, Charles) | 130 b. | 03:17:15 |
5. | kuželky | 130 b. | 03:18:30 |
6. | Kotelnici | 130 b. | 03:20:53 |
7. | Dana Hladká | 130 b. | 03:29:35 |
8. | Encouraging flamingos | 130 b. | 03:30:08 |
9. | Catnip | 130 b. | 03:49:40 |
10. | Michal Baranec | 130 b. | 03:51:57 |
11. | foryouandyourteamofhearts (Jacqueline Pregesbauer) | 130 b. | 04:59:08 |
12. | Bagety a Precliky (Vojtech Novak) | 128 b. | 05:12:30 |
13. | The Cuddle Cats (Jeffrey Walker, Louisa Crafter) | 125 b. | 03:46:44 |
14. | Outstanding sidewinders | 125 b. | 04:02:17 |
15. | Peter Dollack | 123 b. | 04:24:35 |
16. | Shiny crabs | 120 b. | 02:40:37 |
17. | Wicked pheasants | 120 b. | 03:13:02 |
18. | JAMU TWO | 120 b. | 03:19:55 |
19. | SAP Team 2 | 120 b. | 03:34:15 |
20. | Michis Polterrunde (Christoph Küberl, Michael Schriebl, Markus Rotschädl, Dominik Neumeister, Stephan Rotschädl) | 120 b. | 03:36:16 |
Pokud můžeme soudit z počtu došlých poptávek, tak únor a březen jsou měsíce, kdy firmy plánují své jarní a letní akce či teambuildingy. My umíme přivézt na vaši akci pořádnou porci programu naplněného týmovou kreativitou, netradičním zážitkem a v neposlední řadě chytrou zábavou. Z reakcí stovek firemních klientů víme, že šifrovací hry lidi baví. A po možné počáteční nedůvěře vtáhneme do toho správného herního flow téměř každého.
K MDŽ se často dávají květiny. Od nás tu máte rovnou celou kytici, můžete si vybrat. A víte, co je na těch našich nejlepší? Tyhle Vám neuvadnou.
Co víte o Velikonočním ostrově? Určitě znáte sochy moai. Jednu takovou dokázal na strakonickém sídlišti v osmdesátých letech minulého století rozpohybovat český inženýr Pavel Pavel. Velikonoční ostrov ale nejsou jen sochy! Tenhle nejodlehlejší pupek světa v Tichém oceánu ukrývá další záhady a tajemství. Pojďte je objevit!