
Ancient Bohemian Legends

It says half of the 16th century, and the old priest Vaclav finishes the lines of the Czech nation history. So far, nobody knows his work, but in the future there will be a generation of students learning his work at school. Vaclav loves history and does not hesitate to sacrifice his time to research it. And if history is sometimes lacking, then his ability of storytelling comes.

Embark on a journey in the footsteps of the famous Czech chronicler who crossed Prague to draw inspiration for his story. Find out who bathed in the Libuse bath, where a strongman Bivoj hunted a boar and why St. Peter thrice knocked the devil into the sea. Discover the fragments of history in the tales of the days when the majority of the capital accounted for only impervious deep forests.

Chronicler Vaclav Hajek of Libočany himself will be your guide to the outdoor puzzlehunt Ancient Bohemian Legends if you find the courage to set out on a journey…


See ticket options

3,5 km

that you go through

3,5 hours

of your free time

12 checkpoints

carefully selected!

12 tasks

waiting to be cracked

To learn more, look at game details.

This game is also available in Czech as Staré pověsti české.

The game has limited time in which can be played. Details can be found in section When?

Game details

So that you know what to expect

Team size

The game is designed for 2-5-member teams. It was created primarily for adult players, but children (10 +) are also able to participate in partial tasks. The game is also suited for teams with stroller, but it requires light help from teammates - you will meet a few steps along the way.

Game difficulty

Moderate game (You do not need to have previous experience with cipher or escape games, but some tasks may take you a few moments to solve)


We believe that you can manage the game at a comfortable pace within three and half hour (approximately 3.5 km).


Game Brochure (you will get it at the start of the game in the Čekárna café), a fully charged smartphone with internet access and barcode scanner, pencil and paper. A flashlight or a black fix may help but you'll be fine without these.


The start of the game is open on weekdays from 8AM to 10PM, on saturdays from 10AM to 8PM and on sundays from 1PM to 8PM.
In the case of holidays or other important days contact us.
We recommend starting the game during daylight.
CAUTION! The game will be changed after August 31, 2022. All purchased tickets must be used before this date.


Kavárna Čekárna
Vratislavova 8, Praha 2


The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.

Rank Team name Total score Total time
1. Teradata 1 (Teradata Teradata) 120 b. 02:30:53
2. Teradata 5 (Teradata Teradata) 120 b. 02:32:24
3. Teradata 8 (Teradata Teradata) 120 b. 03:30:16
4. Teradata 11 (Teradata Teradata) 120 b. 03:51:41
5. Swedish Steel 120 b. 04:07:42
6. Parker selman 120 b. 26:43:35
7. Teradata 12 (Teradata Teradata) 115 b. 03:14:57
8. Ondřej Kotlář 115 b. 03:54:33
9. Determined tarantulas 115 b. 20:36:27
10. Krisztina Csalami 110 b. 03:33:29
11. Teradata 2 (Teradata Teradata) 110 b. 03:53:04
12. Teradata 7 (Teradata Teradata) 110 b. 04:09:51
13. Pleasant gazelles 110 b. 05:10:32
14. Teradata 4 (Teradata Teradata) 105 b. 03:12:38
15. Teradata 9 (Teradata Teradata) 105 b. 03:29:06
16. Ancient Bohemians 105 b. 03:31:14
17. Teradata 6 (Teradata Teradata) 105 b. 03:56:37
18. Teradata 10 (Teradata Teradata) 100 b. 04:02:35
19. Busy robins 90 b. 05:02:59
20. Garanin 85 b. 03:17:53
… and 5 more teams finished the game.

Show more

Partners of the game:
Kavárna Čekárna
Správa pražských hřbitovů
Jedličkův ústav
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