What comes to mind when Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk is mentioned? A dignified equestrian? An old grey-haired man with a beard and round spectacles? A contemplative president?
It is no wonder we imagine so many versions of him: Masaryk was already 65 years old when he began his fight for an independent republic. Therefore, it should be no surprise that few know how to imagine young Tomáš.
We will take you on a stroll through Prague, which was an important part of Masaryk’s life. There was a time when he was a “mere” professor well-known among students and intellectuals. At that time, he conveyed to Czechs his ideals of Czechness and democracy even though these sentiments were not shared by rest of society. He strolled through the streets of the city without being noticed, just like any other ordinary citizen, only to travel through the same places a couple of years later with full presidential honours. Masaryk and Prague simply belong together.
The game was created in collaboration with CzechTourism in 2018.
To learn more, look at game details.
This game is also available in Czech as Po stopách T. G. M..
So that you know what to expect
The game was designed for 2-5-member teams.
Moderate game (You do not need to have previous experience with cipher or escape games, but some tasks may take you a few moments to solve)
The length of the game was 2 km and the game time around 2 hours.
The game is closed.
Obecní dům, náměstí Republiky 1090/5 110 00 Praha - Staré Město
The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.
Pohodlně se usaďte a před večerním koukáním na pohádku se pusťte do šifer z Šifrovacího adventního kalendáře 2024. Pečlivě jsme vybrali 24 pohádek, vytáhli z nich to nejlepší, našli k nim nějaké perličky a to vše zabalili do šifrovacího hávu. Užijte si chytrý advent s Cryptomania!
Jak to máte u vás ve firmě? Jsou Vánoce plné hodnocení, uzavírání roku, starostí, zda se všechno stihne? Nebo už jen sklízíte plody letní práce? Ať tak či tak, co si k tomuto období přidat i něco určitě příjemného? Něco, co přinese trošku vánoční nálady do každého dne. Maličkost, která oživí adventní období.
Šifrovací adventní kalendář je soubor dvaceti čtyř šifer především pro vaše děti, ale i pro vás, vaše kamarády, kolegy nebo třeba strýčka, sestřenici, dědu i prababičku. Letošní kalendář je již čtvrtý v pořadí.