Intermediate game in Brno for adults

The Foxes of Kamenka

Michael is an ordinary boy from Brno: active, courageous, unable to resist any challenge. And it is one of these challenges that leads him to a box hidden in the canal, where he finds a message several decades old, and a talisman that boys from Kamenka and Old Brno fought over in the streets. Go on a treasure hunt with Michael and his dad. There may not be diamonds waiting for you at the end, but you will definitely discover a part of the city worth visiting.

The Foxes of Kamenka is an outdoor puzzlehunt, i.e. a game consisting of puzzles and logical tasks. We create all of our puzzlehunts as team games. Two (or more) heads are always better than one.

The entire puzzlehunt adventure is accompanied by a story that you will uncover during the game and which you can read or listen to.

You can start playing at any time you want to. The game can only be played once.

To play the game you will need the game materials and your smartphone with an internet connection.

We can send you the game materials by mail in a gift box, or you can pick it up at the start and start playing right away.

See ticket options

1 amulet

used multiple times

1 willow

which is pretty old

2 gangs

rivaling each other

2 hours

full of surprises

To learn more, look at game details.

This game is also available in Czech as Lišáci z Kamenky.

Buy variant

Pickup at start

You will receive/obtain game material in a box at the game start.

Pickup at start

1.200  includes VAT

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Buy variant

Game in a gift box

Professionally printed and prepared game materials in a gift box which will be sent to your address.

Game in a gift box

1.200  includes VAT

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Game details

So that you know what to expect

Team size

The game is designed for 2–5-member teams. It is made primarily for adult players, but children (10+) are also able to participate.

Game difficulty

Intermediate game you don't need previous experience with puzzles or escape games but some clues may take you a while to solve).


You will walk about 3.5–4 km during the game. Expected game time is 2.5–3 hours.


Game materials (If you don't have them yet, pick them up near the start of the game), fully charged phone with internet connection and stationery. We strongly recomend a PET bottle of water with a sport cap.


If you need to pick up game materials, please refer to Tourist Information opening hours.
MON–SUN 9am–18pm

If you already have the game materials, you can go anytime.


1. Start of the game – View at Denisovy sady, Brno.

2. Pick up of game materials – Tourist Information – Radnická Street, Radnická 8, Brno-střed.


The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.

Rank Team name Total score Total time
1. Successful marmots 20 b. 22:13:59

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