Easy game in Brno for adults

Brno, be brave!

Summer of 1645 or summer of this year? It's almost the same, Brno is a boring fortified settlement on the way to Vienna. At least that's what Peter, the protagonist of our story, thought. In two hours he will be apologizing to the city and to his friend, who prepared a great game full of adventurous tasks for him. Set out with him to walk through a maze of beautiful stories and find out about Brno's victory over the bloodthirsty Swedes.

A new and improved version of our older game Battle of Brno is hidden under the name Brno, be brave! The game uses some puzzles (about half) from the original game, but now it’s more dynamic, funnier and even more interesting.

Do you feel like you know Brno like the back of your hand and nothing in its center will surprise you anymore? Have you only been in Brno for a while and do you still enjoy exploring it? Or are you simply a tourist and want to enjoy the city a little differently? The game Brno, be brave! has something to offer everyone.

The outdoor puzzlehunt Brno, be brave! will show you places or things that you might have never noticed, even if you were born in Brno. The red line of the whole game also revolves around the Swedish siege of Brno in the 17th century and it will show you the traces that can still be seen in the city and many people don’t even notice them.

See ticket options

1 student

in Brno

8 stories

about Swedish seige

2.5 km

you will walk

4 walkthroughs

through houses or passages

To learn more, look at game details.

This game is also available in Czech as Statečné Brno.

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Pickup at start

You will receive/obtain game material in a box at the game start.

Pickup at start

1 200  includes VAT

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Game in a gift box

Professionally printed and prepared game materials in a gift box which will be sent to your address.

Game in a gift box

1 200  includes VAT

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Game details

So that you know what to expect

Team size

The game is designed for 2–5-member teams. It is made primarily for adult players, but children (10+) are also able to participate. The game is also suitable for teams with a stroller and wheelchair users (although in some places you will have to use a longer route around).

Game difficulty

Easy game (you don't need previous experience with puzzles or escape games).


You will walk about 2.5 km during the game. Expected game time is 2–3 hours.


Game materials (If you don't have them yet, pick them up near the start of the game), fully charged phone with internet connection and stationary.


If you need to pick up game materials, please refer to Café Pellini's opening hours.
MON–FRI 8am–10pm
SAT–SUN 10am–10pm

If you already have the game materials, you can go anytime.


1. Start of the game – Moravské náměstí 1a, Brno (near the horse statue).

2. Pick up of game materials – Pellini Cafe, Jakubské náměstí 580/4, Brno.


The total score is the primary criterion, in case of a tie the total time is used as the secondary criterion. Show only up to 500 first finished teams.

Rank Team name Total score Total time
1. Skibidi rizzlers 90 b. 01:14:36
2. Impossible jays 90 b. 01:30:09
3. Grumpy sheeps 90 b. 01:31:20
4. Enchanting bears 90 b. 01:35:12
5. Hilarious elephants 90 b. 01:36:20
6. Tasty hawks 90 b. 01:51:11
7. Evil cockroaches 90 b. 02:00:23
8. TNT bez Lukaska 90 b. 02:10:26
9. Faithful scallops 90 b. 02:12:33
10. Dangerous hawks 90 b. 02:13:59
11. Powerful pigs 90 b. 02:17:23
12. Kachny 90 b. 02:53:11
13. Super millipedes 80 b. 01:47:05
14. Calm lions 80 b. 02:00:39
15. Grotesque horses 80 b. 02:07:26
16. Elegant mouses 80 b. 02:25:02
17. Glorious dragonflies 80 b. 02:29:22
18. Determined tadpoles 80 b. 02:36:03
19. Puzzled gazelles 80 b. 02:40:39
20. Difficult hawks 78 b. 02:31:06
21. Hungry gerbils 70 b. 01:19:25
22. Enthusiastic woodpeckers 70 b. 01:44:26
23. Pleasant eels 70 b. 01:47:56
24. Jittery wasps 70 b. 01:52:30
25. Attractive wasps 70 b. 01:53:41
26. Spotless moths 70 b. 01:59:37
27. Real frogspawns 70 b. 02:12:58
28. Old-fashioned foxes 68 b. 02:24:15
29. Creepy seals 65 b. 01:54:09
30. Attractive lynxes 65 b. 18:21:43
31. Fierce fleas 60 b. 02:19:12
32. Crazy gadflies 60 b. 02:25:00
33. Cute pikes 50 b. 07:04:19
34. Thoughtful newts 38 b. 04:04:47

Show only first 20 teams

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